Spain / Europe
International producer.
Debbie Stylianidis. debbie@diamondrocket.tv Spain.FranceMiddle East / China / Europe / Rest of the world non exclusive
Cream Directors
Tel: +44 1303 864327 Mob: +44 791 333 0288 Email: gary@cream.eu.com Skype: cream-garyEastern Europe/ Thailand / Vietnam.Russia Indonesia Korea
Go East Creative Management
all@goeast.tv Anna Konyaeva, +79168023321 Zara Arakelyan, +7 916 616 2028 Johanna Nemer, +961 3 918484 goeast.tvCv

I started directing commercials when I was very young, ,founded two production companies (Hangar 18 & Propaganda) and after worked exclusively with many others production companies in Spain and internationally. My archive consists of hundreds of commercials, music videos, documentaries and features and many different awards.
I’ve concentrated my strengths primarily on the international market, above all working a lot in France, but also in markets such as Russia, USA, China, Dubai, Japan,Thailand Lebanon, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Romania….
I’ve shot with many production companies in these markets, Quad ,Filmaster ,Movie Magic,,Park Production Moscow, Dago Moscow, Playroom NY, Great Guns LA,Harpoon NY , The Shanghai Job, New Life and Gwantsi in China , Videorama Casablanca,, Filmworks Dubai, The Asylum South Africa, to name a few..
This experience has allowed me to travel all over the World and enjoy a wonderful cross over of cultures from which I have enriched myself both as a profesional as well as a human being .
As my range work demonstrates, I am interested in all genres and I believe that a good professional needs to have the ability to be enthusiastic about everything and always look for new ideas to undertake, being in with the latest trends and always diversifying, not only in advertising, but also in technology, architecture, and above all of course, in cinema.
Recently i have a very interesting experience shooting the action unit of Loving Pablo a film based on Pablo Escorbar´s life with Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz.
I am very through in the preparation and presentation of my directors treatments as I believe it essential that films are discussed in meetings where the client and agency have a crystal clear detailed vision of their film in order that the shoots then become more of ,an event to enjoy and always look for improvements on what has been agreed. I believe that the shoot is the most creative and intense moment of a production and a moment when we are allowed to investigate and improve on certain elements starting from an agreed common and very solid base.
What most interests me now about my work is the possibility to create real emotions, human stories with real characters and be able to achieve narrative simplicity for any idea. I believe that my latest works reflect this.
In this web page you will see a selection of my work.

Advertising awards
- First Prize FIAP. Tarjeta 6000 Campaign.
- First Prize at the London Festival. Minolta.
- First Prize at the New York Festival. Fiat Tempra.
- Gold AMPE. Antena 3.
- First Prize at the Montreal Fracophone Festival. Compagnie Africaine d’Assurances.
- First Prize at the Quebec French Festival. La coupe de monde de football.
- First Prize at the Latinoamerican Advertising Festival. Bancomer.